Silent and Still

Silent and Still

Easter 2020 …
Fear reigned supreme! 
Everything was shut down,
for Covid showed up on the scene.

Locked behind our doors …
and hidden in our homes …
we all wondered what would happen …
scared of the unknown.

No Easter celebrations. 
No partying with friends. 
No Easter-egg hunts. 
Was this to be the end??

All the grocery store shelves,
stocked with chocolate-bunny treats,
stood silent … and still. 
Untouched were all the sweets.

Easter morning dawned …
unlike any we had known. 
Instead of joyful Services,
we worshipped all alone.

God had ushered in global silence. 
He brought all to a standstill. 
He shut down life as we knew it. 
So we could think; so we could feel.

No hustle and no bustle. 
No jellybeans galore. 
No frantically striving
to earn another buck more.

Silent … and still. 
We sat with bated breath. 
What was to happen?? 
Would we all face death??

Easter 2020 …
still … and full of gloom. 
Overshadowed with fear …
and possible doom.

How still was that first Easter! 
Still … and full of gloom. 
Overshadowed with fear …
the disciples hid in an inner room.

Jesus had been crucified. 
Would they all face death too?? 
Silent … and still. 
They didn’t know what to do.

All weekend long,
they huddled, full of fear. 
How so very much similar
to our Easter last year.

Locked behind their doors
Jesus showed up in the room! 
For He defeated death
when He came out of that tomb!

Easter 2020 …
Silent … and still. 
Did we really listen? 
Did we really feel?

Did we really grasp
His sacrifice to redeem? 
Did we learn to trust Him
to restore all things?

Did we draw closer
to our Savior in our fear? 
Are we any different,
really? … this year?

By: Amy Hayes