Show Love in Little Ways

Show Love in Little Ways

It was a cold dreary morning, this past February, as I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen to fix breakfast.  And there … sitting on the counter next to my special mug, was a Chick-fil-A Chocolate Chip Cookie!  A gift of love from my daughter who had come home late the night before and left it as a surprise for me. 

Love in the little things! 

It really wasn’t that much of a big thing for her … she had gotten it for free with her Chick-fil-A points when she had gone out to dinner with her brother the night before.  But to me … it was a really big thing! 

The fact that she thought of me … that she cared about me … and that she did something special for me … it meant the world to me! 

You never know when your “little” acts of love for someone else are, in reality, a really big thing!

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For several weeks hubby had been trying to get the logs split from the trees we had taken down.  One particular week hubby’s work was especially demanding and draining!  He had evening work meetings several nights that week, which meant there was no time left over to split logs.  It was frustrating. 

One day, as hubby was working from home, he decided to go out during his lunch break and try to get a little bit done on the log pile.  He asked if I would like to come out and help him.  There were other things I had just been getting ready to do, but instead, I said sure and donned my lightweight rain jacket (to deter the mosquitoes) and headed outside to push the log-splitter buttons.   

It was just a little thing … going outside with hubby for 30 min. on his lunch break to push the log-splitter buttons.  But it was a really big thing for my hubby!  It meant the world to him. 

You never know when your “little” acts of love for someone else are, in reality, a really big thing! 

Show love in little ways!  It might turn out to be the biggest act of love ever!