Show Love in Big Ways

Show Love in Big Ways

When we think of showing love in big ways our first automatic response is that this requires lots of money.  To show love in a big way means to spend a large amount of money on someone else. 

Perhaps sometimes this might be true. 

If the person with whom we are in close relationship lives far away, then showing love in a big way might look like paying the money for an airplane ticket in order to spend time together.  For sure this is love in a big way! 

But showing love in big ways does not necessarily mean spending lots of money. 

For my 40th birthday, my daughter showed love in a big way!  She threw me the most epic 40th birthday party ever … with 40 different gifts of 40 items each!  (Keep in mind that she was just a freshman in high school at the time … so she did not have much money.) 

*   My daughter knew I loved flip-flops … so she cut out 40 colorful paper flip-flops which she placed along the walls “meandering” throughout the house.  On each colorful paper flip-flop, she wrote a character trait which she saw in me and appreciated.   Love in a big way! 

*   My daughter knew I loved books … so she cut out 40 colorful paper miniature “books” which she hung as decoration-streamers.  Love in a big way! 

*   My daughter knew I loved Reese’s peanut butter cups … so she gave me 40 miniature Reese’s peanut butter cups.  Love in a big way! 

*   My daughter baked and decorated 40 chocolate cupcakes for me.  Love in a big way! 

Showing love in a big way does not necessarily mean spending lots of money.  It simply means truly knowing the person with whom we are in close relationship … then using creativity and careful thought to love them in uniquely special ways! 

Show love in big ways …. it will strengthen and deepen your relationship!