Shadows of things to come

Shadows of things to come

A lovely little display of daisies sat on my kitchen counter. 

One morning, as I was walking through the kitchen, I was struck by the shadows the daisies were casting on the counter. 

Immediately Hebrews 10:1 came to mind:  “… only a shadow of the good things that are coming – not the realities themselves.” 

Imagine that you have never seen a daisy before. 

The shadows on the counter give an idea of what daisies are like … … but there is so much more! 

*  The beauty of an early-morning sunrise casting shafts of brilliant sunlight across the delicate white petals of the daisies.
*  The beauty of lacy green foliage surrounding the daisies, in a patch of cool shade.
*  The beauty of a whole patch full of white & yellow daisies!
*  The beauty of buzzing bees actively landing on the daisies.  
*  The beauty of raindrops resting gently on daisy petals. 

In the same way, this is what it’s like when it comes to Heaven.   The Bible gives us glimpses … “shadows.”   But there is so much more! 

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.”  – 1 Corinthians 2:9