Seeds we sow

Seeds we sow

I love this view of the garden from my daughter’s upstairs bedroom window.  

As I stand and gaze out at the garden far below, it makes me think that this is probably what it’s like from Heaven’s view,  as God gazes down at our life and at all the “seeds we sow” for His Kingdom. 

This little square piece of garden was empty and barren all winter  …  piled high with Big Leaf Maple leaves. 

Then hubby and I planted a few small seeds. 

Just a handful of small seeds. And now …  the garden is full of greenery, and vitality, and life! 

We only planted maybe a total of 15 pea seeds, at the max.   And probably about the same of bean seeds and zucchini seeds.    Yet those few small seeds multiplied!    They multiplied to become lots of food for my family!  …  as well as plenty for us to share with others!   

This is what living the Christian life is like.   

This world is a barren place.    Not much happiness.    Not much joy.    Only problems and frustrations.   Barren and cold  …  just like the garden this winter. 

And God calls those who love and follow Him to “sow seeds” for His Kingdom.   

He wants us to scatter “seeds” of His love all over the “territory” where He has placed us in life.    He wants us to scatter “seeds” of kindness everywhere we go!    He wants us to scatter “seeds” of joy! 

He wants us to scatter “seeds” of forgiveness  …  and “seeds” of grace. 

He wants us to scatter “seeds” of goodness  …  and tell everyone how good and loving He is!  

So we scatter “seeds” (spiritually speaking)  …  just like hubby and I placed those tiny little seeds in the ground this past Spring. 

A little seed of kindness here.    A little seed of forgiveness there.    A little seed of the good news about Jesus.  

Little seeds  …  scattered all throughout our normal every day.   

Little seeds  …  scattered all across the “territory” of our workplace,  and of our social circles,  and in our homes.  

When it comes to scattering spiritual “seed” for God’s Kingdom  …  we never actually see the results.   

Did that kindness make any difference at all??    We’ll never know.  

Did that good news about Jesus actually settle deep in that person’s heart??    We’ll probably never know.  

Did our forgiveness, in the face of being mistreated and taken advantage of, did it accomplish anything at all??    We’ll never know.  

Did all of our love poured out for all those people make any difference at all??    We’ll never know. 

But God sees!!  

Just like this view of the garden from the upstairs window  …  God looks down from Heaven and God clearly sees all the growth from those little “seeds” we scattered.   

God clearly sees the garden full of life and growth and vitality!  

God clearly sees the spiritual “harvest” hanging heavy, providing nourishment and sustaining so many people!  

God sees!!  

Keep sowing seeds!!  

Even if you can’t see anything at all  …  keep sowing “seeds”!    Because from Heaven’s view, the “territory” of your life is looking just like this!