

Beneath a sky of grey,
in ground that’s hard and cold,
little teeny, tiny
seeds of Truth are sown.

They lie there quite a while,
for alas, they cannot sprout.
The cold ground they’ve been sown upon
is hardened with much doubt.

Nevertheless the seeds lie patiently,
waiting for the time
when the hardened soil will soften,
and a root they will find.

A chilly drizzle patters down.
A biting cold wind blows.
The fact that seeds of Truth lie there,
one would never know.

The temps. stay in the 40’s,
constantly, day in, day out.
One would think there’s not a chance
that seeds of Truth could sprout.

Then one day something happens
to the cold and hardened ground.
A plow arrives to till the soil;
the earth is broken down.

The temps. drop to the 30’s,
and a few snow flurries flit.
But the once-hardened soil
is now softer just a bit.

The broken-up clods of earth
in untidy clumps now lay,
not looking all that different,
still beneath the sky of grey.

The seeds of Truth, lying there,
now a small crack find
as there seems to be a very slight
softening of the mind.

The clods are still quite hard.
Who would want to turn this soil?
Then one day there comes a gardener
not afraid of the hard toil.

With patient perseverance
he works on hands and knees;
turning over and over the soil
so that it’s right for seeds.

The soil is now prepared
for the seeds of Truth to grow.
But how will they sprout
with the grey clouds hanging low?

Oh look, the clouds are lifting!
And coming through the grey
is the pleasant warming beam
of a sunshine’s gentle ray.

The soil, now worked and turned,
from ground once hard and cold,
is ready for the seeds of Truth
finally to take hold.

The gentle rays of sunshine
warm everything around.
The seeds of Truth are sprouting,
just beneath the ground.

One ordinary day,
to everyone’s surprise,
little shoots of green appear,
right before our eyes!

However did this happen??
Who would have ever known!?
It seemed quite impossible
when the seeds of Truth were sown.

It took some to do the planting;
it took some to plow the soil;
it took some to work on hands and knees,
patient in their toil.

It took the rays of sunshine
beaming from above,
to warm the softened heart
with the gentleness of God’s Love.

It will take someone to water;
it will take someone to weed.
Soon before you know it,
there will be new fruit and seeds.

So don’t give up the sowing,
even when it’s cold and grey,
for you never know the harvest,
that those seeds might reap some day.

By: Amy Hayes