Sealed Basins

Sealed Basins

One great advantage
of a birdbath that leaks …
is that mosquitoes can’t lay eggs,
cause water doesn’t last for weeks.

Stale, stagnant water
would draw mosquito throngs,
and result in mosquito babies
which would bite all summer long.

In addition, stagnant water
gets clogged with tree debris,
and invites lots of icky things
to grow abundantly.

To have a birdbath basin
which continually drains,
is a natural solution
to all these many pains.

But the prevailing proper notion
is that birdbaths must be sealed. 
Why would anyone want a birdbath
which daily must be filled?

The same is true for life. 
Sealed Basins” are the rule. 
Why would anyone want a basin
that drains … that’s not cool.

In life, things must be perfect,
and always go my way. 
And certainly nothing ever,
ever should interrupt my days.

And so, stale, stagnant water
in perfect basins stand …
inviting little things
to form a biting band.

Stale, stagnant water
with skookum-layer thick;
floating with debris
and decomposing ick.

Stale, stagnant water
won’t refresh anyone. 
Stale, stagnant water
is gross!  It’s not fun.

Stale, stagnant water
is a heart that simply sits …
apathetic and complacent,
it doesn’t give a bit.

Any sort of hassle
caused from water draining down
is not worth the effort. 
So no refreshing here is found.

They’re gorgeous, perfect basins …
sealed so they won’t leak. 
But they result in stagnant birdbaths,
whose impact is quite weak.

Let the water drain away. 
Let the water leak. 
Let the birds splash and play. 
Don’t let the water stand for weeks.

Fill your basin up
with fresh water every day. 
Don’t give little things a chance
to bite and grow and prey.

Let the water in your basin
be fresh for everyone …
a place where many
will be so glad to come!

By: Amy Hayes