

SeaFair was this weekend! Join hubby and me out on the waters of Lake Washington for SeaFair … and the Blue Angles!

It’s Fat Albert!

It’s the Blue Angels!!

August is “wildfire season.” Smoke from Eastern Washington drifted in, but thankfully we were still able to see Mt. Rainier through the haze.


Up! … Up! … Up!! Then straight back down … down … down!

And heading directly towards us!

Right over top of us!

Swooshing this way!

Oops … didn’t quite get them all in the photo.

Aerial ballet! Amazing!!

The “Sneak”!

Everyone loves the “Sneak”! The “Sneak” occurred right near the beginning of the program. We were all keeping our eyes out for the “Sneak” … but we still were almost taken off guard! The Blue Angels foursome had just made their appearance and were doing an impressive aerial swoop.

Even though we were keeping a watch out, we didn’t see the “Sneak” at all until a little kid on the boat began yelling and we turned at the very last minute … and caught sight of him just as he roared overhead!!

Everyone absolutely loved it!! What an adrenaline rush!

I couldn’t help thinking of this verse: “For as the lightning flashes in the east and shines to the west, so it will be when the Son of Man comes.” – Matthew 24:27

The “Sneak” is what Jesus’s return will be like! We all (everyone who loves Jesus) are watching and waiting for Jesus to come back again. Just like all of us at SeaFair were watching and looking out for the “Sneak.” And suddenly … there He will be! Just like the fighter jet roaring directly overhead!! Taking us all by surprise! It was awesome!

That’s what Jesus’s return will be like! It’s going to be awesome!!

And then we have the Grand Finale!

Now wasn’t that fun! As all the boats head back.

Thank you God for sunshine, sweat, and sunscreen!

Thank you God for opportunities to get out and do amazing things!

Thank you God for the greatness and power displayed in the fighter jets roaring overhead!

Thank you Jesus that that is just a tiny taste of what your greatness and power will be like when you come back again! We can’t wait! We’re watching and waiting!