Scorched First-fruits

Scorched First-fruits

Hubby and I went out early to try to get our outdoor work done before the sun got high and hot.  Hubby was busy toting wheelbarrow-fuls of split firewood over to the shed where he was stacking them.  I was busy watering the garden. 

Much to my great surprise I discovered a couple of fresh green beans ready for picking!  Our “first-fruits” of the garden for this year!  How exciting! 

The Bible has a lot to say about “first-fruits.”  The Old Testament is filled with mentions of “first-fruit” offerings to the Lord.  So, I have always taken very seriously the “first-fruits” which have come from our garden each year. 

In past years I have given as a gift our “first-fruits” to dear friends from church.  But years like this one, when the “first-fruits” are just a pitiful little couple of beans … that’s when they are gifted to my dear sweet hubby as a “snack.”   (Hubby enjoys munching on fresh green beans.) 

So, with great delight I set the few little “first-fruit” green beans off to the side as a surprise for hubby.  And I continued watering … after which I got distracted weeding.  The sun rose high, and the day started heating up.  I headed inside … and completely forgot all about the little handful of “first-fruit” green beans. 

It wasn’t until noon that I suddenly remembered them with a start.  They were sitting off to the side in the garden baking in the full sun!  Sadness!!!   

With a sinking heart I headed outside in the blazing heat to retrieve what was left of our “first-fruits.” 

Here you can see our “first-fruit” green beans.  Sadness!! 

As I held the pitiful little scorched “first-fruit” green beans in my hand a great sadness washed over me … for they were such an accurate picture of how I have felt so many times when it comes to relationships. 

So many times, I have brought my “first-fruits” to a relationship.  I have given the very best that I have to the relationship.  I have given all that I have … everything God made me to be.   And … my “first-fruits” have been “scorched”  –  the other person in the relationship has treated my “first-fruits” with total indifference;  disregard;  belittling. 

Scorched “first-fruits.” 

Time and again I have asked God:  “Was it a waste??   Was all that effort and love I poured into that relationship a waste??  Did I do it all for nothing??” 

God always comforts my heart that my “first-fruit” gifts poured out in relationship to others are first-and-foremost an offering to Him!  They are not a waste!  I am giving my best to Him!  And He is pleased!  No matter how the other person responds.  No matter if I feel rejected.  God is very pleased!  And God loves me! 

I’ve thought a lot about what it must have felt like to have been under the Old Testament sacrificial system … continually bringing sacrifices of “first-fruits” and sacrifices of lambs and doves and grain.  I’m sure it must have felt like a waste.  The best of the best they had … burned up to nothing.  Then they went back home emptyhanded.  Perhaps those people felt the same way I do when my “first-fruit” offering to God feels like a total waste and for nothing. 

But God is pleased! 

God is very pleased with our “first-fruits” … no matter if they wind up “scorched” by others. 

Keep bringing your “first-fruits” to the relationships God has placed in your life!  Keep giving the best you have to those relationships!  No matter how they are received.  God sees!  And God is pleased!