Ruts Across the Soul

Ruts Across the Soul

People are emotionally unwell right now. 

I went to the bank this week, and as usual the workers were understaffed and the line was long.  As I entered the door and observed the long line stretching almost to the entry, an unhappy customer at the back of the line began airing grievances to a bank worker.  This ended with the customer turning on heel and walking out!

No sooner had this happened, than another disgruntled patron closer to the front of the line decided to pour out complaints onto the poor bank worker.  Immediately two other patrons in line came to the defense of the poor bank worker and they laid into the patron who was complaining!!  Literally, a verbal fight broke out in the bank between customers in line in front of me!

The bank worker handled the situation with grace and tact, quickly diffusing things.  As she walked away, you could almost feel the heavy weariness in her soul.

Ruts across the soul.  This innocent bank worker had just had ruts driven across her soul.  And this probably had been occurring all day long … every day.

Recent heavy rainfall in our area has completely saturated the ground!   A heavy vehicle, towing an enormously heavy load drove across my yard, leaving these deep ruts behind.

This is what is happening in the world all around us.  We are all experiencing a torrential downpour of bad news!  Our souls are saturated. 

Then we head out each day into the workplace and into society to interact with each other …  all of us weighed down, and many towing enormously heavy life loads.   

People’s heavy loads are driving ruts across souls of others all around them.

Ruts across the soul!