Ringing in the New Year!

Ringing in the New Year!

For Christmas my son gave me the coolest gift  …  a small device called a PlantWave, by which I can listen to my plants “sing.”  

I’m not scientific, but as best as I understand it, all plants have electrical impulses flowing through them.    Using my PlantWave, I attach two electrodes to two leaves of a plant.    The electrodes pick up the electrical impulses flowing through the plant, and the PlantWave device converts the electrical impulses into notes  …  a specific note assigned to each specific electrical impulse.  

The PlantWave device is Bluetooth connected to my phone, and via the PlantWave app, the electrical-impulses-turned-into-notes play as a “song” on my phone.  

It is the coolest thing ever!!  

I have been having the grandest time going from plant to plant listening to the unique individual “melodies” each plant plays.    It truly is amazing!  

And since everyone rings in the New Year with song  …  I figured why not “Ring in the New Year” by sharing with you the “songs” of the plants in my yard! 

I took this 20 second video recording of my ornamental grass (Majestic Lilyturf) in the front flowerbed “singing.”    Hubby uploaded the video to YouTube  …  and you can listen to it here: 

I also took this 20 second video recording of my Bunchberry Dogwood groundcover, also in the front flowerbed, “singing.”    Once again, hubby uploaded it to YouTube  …  and you can listen to it here: 

“All the earth bows down to You, O God; 
they sing praise to You, they sing praise to Your name.”  – Psalm 66:4 

“Praise the LORD. 
Praise the LORD from the heavens, praise Him in the heights above. 
Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His heavenly hosts. 
Praise Him, sun and moon,  praise Him, all you shining stars. 
Praise Him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. 
Let them praise the name of the LORD, for He commanded and they were created. 
He set them in place for ever and ever; He gave a decree that will never pass away. 

“Praise the LORD from the earth,   
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,   
lightning and hail,  
snow and clouds,  
stormy winds that do His bidding,   
you mountains and all hills,  
fruit trees and all cedars,   
wild animals and all cattle,   
small creatures and flying birds,   
kings of the earth and all nations,   
you princes and all rulers on earth,   
young men and maidens,   
old men and children. 

“Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.”   – Psalm 148:1-13