Reading Between the Lines

Reading Between the Lines

To effectively show love in both small ways and in big ways, we must truly know the person with whom we are in relationship. 

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that one of my daughter’s 40 gifts to me was miniature Reese’s peanut butter cups … because she knew this was my favorite candy.  Since then, my daughter has introduced me to Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups! Yum!! My favorite candy has now changed!

Life changes us.  It’s inevitable.  The storms weather us.  The sunshine sweetens us.  New friends are made … and their impact forever shapes who we are.  We learn;  we grow;  we discover things we never knew before. 

It’s like the growth rings of a tree. 

Being able to “read” growth rings can reveal the influences which have made the tree what it is today. 
*  growth rings can reveal where the storms left their mark 
*  growth rings can reveal seasons of drought and stress 
*  growth rings can reveal past hurt and scars 
*  growth rings can reveal good seasons of health 

The same is true when it comes to people. 

If we are to truly know those with whom we are in relationship, we must be able to “read between the lines.”  We must “get below the surface” … and truly get to know who they really are.  What are they thinking?  What are they feeling, and why do they feel this way?  What influences have shaped them to become who they are today? 

It takes spending time together. 
It takes truly caring about them. 
It takes insight.  It takes perception. 

It is only when we can “read between the lines” that we are able to connect in relationship with others.  It is only when we can “read between the lines” that we are able to love effectively in small ways and in big ways.  It is only when we can “read between the lines” that our relationship with someone can truly go deep. 

Learn how to “read between the lines.”