

As I was walking past the living room, I noticed the clerodendrum (tropical bleeding heart) had grown off its support post … and was reaching still further. 

Immediately the verse popped into my mind:  “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”  – Philippians 3:13-14   

The clerodendrum in my living room has no more post left up which it can grow.  The only thing for me to do is train the tendrils to grow back down around the post which already exists … something they obviously don’t want to do!  I’ve spent the past two months trying to wrap the tendrils down … only to have them continually reach back upwards

This is a good picture of what the Christian life looks like.  God wants us to be continually growing up, up, up in our relationship with Him!  God wants us to be growing in our knowledge of His Word.  God wants us to be growing in our love for others. 

And the thing is, when we grow upwards in our spiritual life, we never run out of support post!  Jesus Christ Himself is our support post … and He keeps going and going.  No matter how high we stretch spiritually, Jesus’s support post keeps extending so that we can keep growing even still further upwards! 

How cool is that!! 

Keep growing! 
Keep reaching!