Rabbi – Messiah

Rabbi – Messiah

Our land is ancient Israel.
We are the Jewish nation. 
We’re living in the time
of the Roman occupation. 

We’re looking for Messiah
to come and be our King,
as we daily live our lives;
simple and hard-working.

Our homes are in small villages,
scattered across the land. 
Family ties dictate life.
Each village is a clan. 

We assemble on the Sabbath
to hear the Torah read;
then our family village leaders
discuss what has been said.

We seek to keep the law
and to follow God’s commands. 
We offer sacrifices
of pure and spotless lambs.

We have “mikveh” ritual baths
to be ceremonially clean,
as we bathe in ‘living water’ –
fresh from river, rain, or stream.

Our daily bread sustains us –
it comes from our land. 
We prepare our fields for planting,
and scatter seed by hand. 

Wool from our flocks of sheep
provide for our clothes. 
As loving, caring shepherds
we lead our flocks into the fold. 

We take our place as the door
guarding all who come in and out;
while the strong, stone sheepfold wall
encircles all about.

Yes, this area of our country
possesses quaint and simple charm,
with its lakeside fishing villages,
and rural country farms. 

There’s been rumors circulating
of a new Rabbi in these parts. 
It seems He’s offering ‘living water’
which can purify the heart.

There’s a stir in our villages. 
There are new rumors every day
of this Rabbi teacher from Galilee
and the wonderful things He has to say! 

He says the Word of God
is like the seeds that we sow. 
He says He is the ‘Good Shepherd’
who guards the door into the fold.

We’ve never heard anything like it. 
People are coming from all the towns. 
He says He is the ‘Bread of Life’ –
He provided bread to go around.

As a skilled ‘tekton’ builder,
He says He is the cornerstone. 
He says that He is one with God,
and that He is the Way alone.

Many are receiving His words in faith.
Others just want a show. 
Our powerful religious leaders
think He’s gaining too much control.

Our high and holy day is coming. 
Roman troops are poised for a revolt.
A week before Passover, on ‘Lamb Selection Day’
this Rabbi rides in on a colt.

John 12:12-13  – “Great crowds that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem.  They took palm branches and went out to meet Him shouting, ‘Hosanna!  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!  Blessed is the King of Israel!  (Psalm 118:25-26)’”

John 12:14-16 – Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written, ‘Do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.’  (Zechariah 9:9)  At first His disciples did not understand all this.  Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about Him and that they had done these things to Him.”