Put off the old … and be made new!

Put off the old … and be made new!

“Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; be made new in the attitude of your minds.”   – Ephesians 4:22-23

The dead little seed pods have been “put off.”

New life has emerged.  New life which came about as a result of being watered generously.

The “water of the Word of God” on our dead sinful hearts will result in new life!  New life which only Jesus Christ can bring about.

This new life that Jesus gives cannot be contained in our old little seed pod … it must be “put off.”   But in order for the new life to flourish and grow, it needs to be regularly watered.   Our new life in Christ needs to be regularly watered with the Word of God.

Put off the old … and be made new!