

I was just now in the bathroom putting my makeup on when my attention was suddenly caught by a bug on my shirt! …  immediately I instinctively smacked it!!   (after all, I had just been outside getting another log to add to the fire) 

But … it wasn’t a bug. 

It was a shadow, projected onto my shirt … from a tiny little spot on the widow … as the sun had made a very rare, brief appearance and shone in through the window. 

It wasn’t a bug at all … and I had knee-jerk smacked myself! 

How often does this same thing happen to us when it comes to other people’s projections onto us?   

In some instances, people might outright tell us hateful, demeaning things about us to our face.  But far more often, we feel other people’s projections onto us.    We can feel people’s attitudes towards us.   Even if they don’t say a word. 

Even without a word, we can tell that they think we are stupid.

We can tell they are judging us. 

We can tell they are criticizing us. 

We can tell they are condemning us. 

We can tell they think we are idiots and annoying! 

We can tell they can’t stand us. 

We can feel these things … and these projections of other people’s views about us cast “shadows” onto us … much like the shadow of the “bug” on my shirt.  And without even thinking, just like I instinctively smacked at the “bug” on my shirt, so also we instinctively “smack” at ourselves. 

“I guess I must be stupid.” 

“I guess I am an idiot and can’t do anything right.” 

“They obviously despise me … so I guess I’m worthless.” 

“It’s all my fault.” 

God does not condemn!!   

If you are feeling condemnation … that is not coming from God … that is coming from Satan. 

The “bug” on my shirt was not real.  It was only a shadow.  So also, the condemnation you feel projected onto you from someone else is not true … it is a lie!   It is a lie from the enemy!   It is not true … any more than the “bug” on my shirt was real. 

It is only a false “shadow” …  is not who you are!    You are chosen!    You are beloved! 

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  – Romans 8:1 

“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”  – Zephaniah 3:17