Praise … from a hidden place

Praise … from a hidden place

Each March the quiet of winter is broken, as the nightly song of frog-chorus brings the forest back to life.  Spring is on its way!  Announced by praise … from a hidden place. 

The thing about the songs of nature is that you never see the “singers.” 

A million tiny little raindrops falling on a million little leaves throughout the forest. 
Praise … from a hidden place. 

Hundreds of individual little birdcalls … all joining together to fill the air with joyful song each morning! 
Praise … from hidden places. 

The rushing of water down in the ravine. 
Praise … from a hidden place. 

The wind stirring through the branches of the tall cedar trees! 
Praise … from hidden places. 

Last week I came across this tiny little frog in the forest.  I was delighted to finally see a member of the nighty frog-praise-chorus! 

Do you ever feel “tiny” … “hidden away”? 

Don’t let that stop your praise song from ringing out! 
Your praise song is heard!   

Psalm 148:7-13 – “Praise the LORD from the earth … stormy winds that do His bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals … small creatures and flying birds … Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.” 

Psalm 150: 6 – “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.  Praise the LORD.”