A Mother’s Hands

A Mother’s Hands

A gift from the Master Potter –
a mother’s hands hold –
a tiny lump of clay,
which she’s to teach, to train, to mold. 

Responsibility weighs heavy
as she sits before the wheel. 
Her task – to guide this little life
according to His will. 

The job seems overwhelming. 
Her human hands are frail. 
She’s a novice at the potter’s wheel. 
She’s so afraid she’ll fail. 

Then she sees the Master Potter
is sitting right beside her. 
She gains confidence in knowing
that He’ll be right there to guide her. 

His skillful hands will lead her
through each step along the way. 
He’ll give strength and direction
as she reads His Word and prays. 

She sets about her work,
She knows that every moment counts
for all eternity. 

The errands, chores, and housework –
they all have a special part, 
for through everyday activities
she nurtures a little heart. 

The first few years don’t seem like
they would count much in the end. 
But that’s when the clay is most pliable;
easy to shape and bend. 

The young mind is wide open;
eager to learn and know. 
Here values are implanted;
seeds of faith are sown. 

A mother’s hands are potter hands
as they’re busy giving hugs; 
showing how to pick up toys;
collecting leaves and bugs. 

Time so quickly passes. 
Character takes form. 
School years reveal the clay’s
not quite as soft anymore. 

The basic shape is set,
yet tweaks and changes can be made. 
Guidance is now needed
for life decisions faced each day.

A mother’s hands stay busy
driving places near and far; 
helping out with homework;
making models of the stars. 

All too soon the teenage years
are quickly rushing past. 
Concerts, sports, and youth group –
how the time goes by so fast! 

The final finishing touches
are being added to the clay; 
fine tuning of the character;
impressions left to stay. 

Although the job is almost done,
a mother’s hands are there:  
cheering at the ballgames;
folded often in prayer.

The piece is finally finished. 
The potter’s job complete.  
The time has come to fire the clay
in the furnace of life’s heat. 

The testings of adulthood
add beauty to the whole,
bringing out inner strength
from values instilled so long ago. 

The potter’s job is over. 
Now a mother’s hands let go, 
as she surrenders her children to the Master Potter
to continue to shape and mold. 

But her love will still continue. 
Her hands will always be there, 
lifting up her children
before the Lord in prayer.

By: Amy Hayes