The Future??

The Future??

Do you feel like you’re supposed
to have life all figured out?
Do you have so many questions?
Are you filled with fear and doubt?

“Did I pick the right major?”
“How do I start my career?”
“I don’t have things figured out yet,
this is my final year.”

“What job should I be looking for?”
“The whole world’s at my feet.”
“Should I take a job someplace new?”
“Or move just down the street?”

It’s totally fine if you don’t have
life all figured out.
It’s ok to be afraid,
to have some fear and doubt.

It’s ok if you don’t know
what job you should look for.
Just do the next right thing
and God will open the next door.

It doesn’t really matter
what degree you have in hand …
cause in the end you’ll find
that God might have a different plan.

Just do the next right thing …
whatever that may be … 
and then, and only then,
the next step you will see.

God’s plan for your life
involves many moving parts,
and its ok if you don’t have it all
figured out at the start.

The career God might have for you …
… might not yet exist. 
When you scroll through all the jobs online,
yours might not be on the list.

How do you follow a career
that has not yet come about?? 
You do the “next right thing”
and trust God to work things out.

God has a plan mapped out for you. 
He’s placed you where you are. 
He’s given you specific talents
which He’ll use to take you far.

Each “next right thing” is a stepping-stone
as He’s building your career. 
So please don’t be paralyzed
by your current doubt and fear.

Just do the next right thing,
every normal ordinary day. 
And in twenty-five years you too will look back
and be totally amazed! 

By:  Amy Hayes 
April 2020