Playing in the garden

Playing in the garden

I had just finished planting the little tomato sprouts in the garden on Saturday, and had just put my garden tools away, when I noticed a sudden movement along the base of the berry garden.

Check it out! A little garden snake! How exciting! I must get a good photo!

But he was very camera shy!

The quicker he hurried to get away from me snapping photos, the quicker I hurried to keep up with him!

I totally felt like the paparazzi … chasing after him snapping photos the whole way, as in panic he fled for cover.

We’ve all seen the tabloid photos of people fleeing from the paparazzi. Here you can see nature’s version of the same thing. Ha!

It’s ok, he’ll be back. He was probably sunning himself in this glorious warm sunshine.

So, I waited a bit … then I slinked back over to the berry garden.

Sure enough … there he was. Hehe!

I was much more subtle in my movements this time. And he didn’t seem quite as frightened of me. I knew which way he would head this time, so I made sure to position myself in the path of escape. This left no option but for him to go up and over into the berry garden.

TaDa! Isn’t he cute! I loved the juxtaposition of him against the soaker hose.

Adorableness! Although he’s cold-blooded, I definitely think he was “warming up” to me. Ha!
He even raised his little head and posed for the camera! I was delighted!

Slithering through the sunflower sprouts! Is that not amazing how perfectly he blends in!

Slinking through the strawberries.

I could sense he was getting weary of my paparazzi-ness. So I took one last photo, then left him to have some peace in the sunshine.

I had assumed he was simply sunning himself … but on further reflection, I think he might have actually been hunting for the little lizard that likes to live in that exact spot! I do hope the little lizard is ok.

However the garden snake is most welcome … he can have all the mice he can find!

Delighting over the discovery of the adorable little garden snake, I paused for a moment in the shade to text my kids.

Crunch, crunch … out of the woods trotted the leader of the girl-pack.

I assumed the other two girls were right behind her.

A few seconds later … crunch, crunch!

But instead of the other two girls, out of the woods trotted a young buck!

Looks like someone has a boyfriend!

But to be honest, I think she’s pregnant. At least, she totally looks pregnant to me. So she wasn’t having any of his advances. She was definitely being coy, and hard-to-get.

She trotted past me and off across the back yard.

He stopped to nibble a snack from the low-hanging branches of the apple tree. Then off he trotted after her.

Check out how much his antlers have grown!

Thank you God for the joys of playing in the garden!
Thank you God for everyday blessings!