Yesterday was socked in with heavy dense fog all day long! Hence, what better thing to do on a cold foggy evening than to play in the fog with laser lights!
Hubby has a small laser light (designed for parties) that flashes different patterns, which twirl and swirl all over the place! It’s quite festive! … and especially exciting when you add music along with the laser lights!
In the cold fogginess of last night, we carried the laser light outside and had a jolly time playing with it in the fog. Here you can see the different patterns at close-up range on the deck:

But when we shone the laser light far across the backyard into the foggy denseness, the patterns disappeared in the mist and all you could see were the beams of light. Still cool!

We couldn’t help wondering if our neighbors far across the back, on the other side of the ravine, could see the dancing flashing colored lights through the trees?? Even if they could, they were most likely inside in the warmth anyway!
We shone the laser light far up into the sky … the beams of light disappearing far overhead into the foggy mist … and we wondered if the dancing flashing colors could be seen over the treetops somewhere else??
In the quiet of the dense fogginess we could hear a car drive by, way over on the far side of our neighbors. We wondered if the people in the car could see the dancing flashing lights twirling around up in the sky just over the treetops?? If they could, I’m sure they would have been wondering: “What on earth is that!?!”
The verse popped into my mind: “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” – John 1:5
Just like someone driving by in a car, through the dense thick fog of night … and seeing dancing flashing colorful lights up in the sky would wonder: “What on earth is that?!” … so also, in the same way all of humanity is “driving down the road of life” through dense heavy thick fog. Most people don’t know where they are going in life. They don’t know what the point of life is. They don’t know why they are even here.
What does it all matter anyway??
Where am I going?? What will be there at the end when I do get there??
And then … through the dark fogginess, light can be seen! Light that captivates! Light that piques curiosity!
What is that!?
Where is it coming from!?

If I was driving along in dense dark fogginess, and if I saw dancing colorful lights flashing and twirling around in sky, I would certainly be curious to discover where it is coming from and what is going on!
Jesus Christ is the light! People lost in the dense heavy “fog” of life – not knowing where they are going or why it all even matters – see the “light” and they are curious to discover where it is coming from and what is going on!
Jesus Christ is the light shining out through the darkness … leading people to God the Father!
Jesus Christ is the light shining out through the darkness … guiding the way to Heaven!
“The light [Jesus Christ] shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” – John 1:5
“Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12