I am not a physically strong person. Because my stamina is low, I am easily drained by large crowds of people. So there I was, seated on a mat in the middle of a field, participating as an…
“For this next shot the Disciples will be going into the crowd to distribute the bread and fish.” Excitement stirs through the crowd! We’re going to get to see the Disciples up close! They’re coming into the crowd! …
Hubby and I wound up near the back of the crowd. In a sea of 5,000 people we just didn’t have the strength to jostle in amongst the masses in order to get a spot closer to the…
Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose 12 Disciples to be part of his ministry team? Throughout my life I’ve always thought of the 12 Disciples as just tagging around after Jesus, watching Jesus do all kinds of…
There we all sat … 5,000 of us, in a blazing hot field in the middle of Texas. The heroes of the day were the crew volunteers … in bright blue T-shirts they roamed throughout the crowd making…