Jesus in 2 Corinthians

Jesus in 2 Corinthians

Our beautiful arched gateway today is leading us to a church worship center.  We are still in the same region as yesterday … warm breezes and palm trees.  But today’s gateway is overcast and cloudy.  The book of…
Jesus in 1 Corinthians

Jesus in 1 Corinthians

Today we see a beautiful arched gateway … leading from one area of a lovely shopping center to another.   What a wonderful place.  Palm trees and sunshine!  Warm gentle breezes! The city of Corinth was much like our…
Living with the Tension

Living with the Tension

Most of us grew up taking some sort of music lessons.  For me, my instrument of choice was the violin, of which I became quite fond.  I was never very good, but I did truly enjoy playing it.…
Jesus in Romans

Jesus in Romans

Today’s gateway arch is reminiscent of a Roman-era Triumphal Arch.  This particular gateway arch spans a major thoroughfare in a prominent capital city of Europe. And so we come to the book of Romans.  We have seen already…
Make More Room!

Make More Room!

It’s almost garden-planting time!  So off we went to Home Depot to get a few seeds.  Our garden plot is small, so we only needed a few seeds. I stood there … in front of the seed display…
Jesus in Acts

Jesus in Acts

Our background gate today is the entrance to a Power Substation.  Here great amounts of power are brought in from the generation facilities in the foothills of the Cascades.  And from here the power is disseminated and sent…
The Same Family

The Same Family

These are each completely different seeds.  They produce completely different fruit.   Yet they are all part of the same family.  They are all “vine” plants.  (“Cucurbit” or “Cucurbitaceae” family) From the left to the right:  pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini,…
Jesus in John

Jesus in John

Our background photo for today was taken from a boat … and, as you can see, the gate is made from netting.  The book of John was written by a fisherman, John, who before meeting Jesus spent his…
Jesus in Luke

Jesus in Luke

Our background photo today shows the entrance gate to a hospital.  This particular hospital is located in a third world country in southeast Asia. On any given morning, this very gate at this hospital is crowded with hundreds…