It’s an amazing thing to watch bubbles float on the breeze! To see the wind catch them … and carry them high up into the brilliant blue sky … where they sparkle with color as the sunlight catches…
Throughout my daughter’s high school years she worked in the dining room of an Assisted Living place. Here she developed many close friendships with many dear people. This cobalt-blue jar with water plants was a gift to my…
I was sitting calmly on the back deck enjoying the sunshine when the gravel on the front drive crunched … then the doorbell rang. Much to my surprise it was my neighbor down the street, whom I had…
"Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away." - Psalm 37:1-2
This beautiful, variegated rose is “footprints across my soul” … precious memories of dear friends, and the wonderful times we have had together! Our friends brought this small rose over to us as a gift one evening, when…
We have lots of Big Leaf Maple trees in our forest. Big Leaf Maple trees are aggressive! Big Leaf Maple stumps refuse to die ... continuing to prolifically send out new shoots year after year! Big Leaf Maples…