Jesus is the Prince of Peace

Jesus is the Prince of Peace

Who is Jesus?     Jesus is our Peace -  Ephesians 2:14 -  Micah 5:4-5 -  Isaiah 53:5 -  Acts 10:36 Jesus gives Peace -  John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.”…
Jesus will make all things right again

Jesus will make all things right again

Who is Jesus? Jesus will make all things right again. -  Isaiah 25:6-9 -  1 Corinthians 15:54-57 -  Isaiah 51:11 -  Revelation 21:4-5 – “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death…
Jesus is the ultimate Judge

Jesus is the ultimate Judge

Who is Jesus? Jesus Christ is the ultimate Judge before whom all humanity will one day give an account.  -  2 Corinthians 5:10 – “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one…
Warm Heart

Warm Heart

This photo is one my kids took this past weekend while hiking in the Cascades.  They came across many trees just like this one while on their hike.  The lesson God gave my kids is that the warmth…
Dirty Dishes You Will Always Have

Dirty Dishes You Will Always Have

The original plan had been to go bike riding in the afternoon.  But the kids’ friend group decided at the last-minute to have a hangout in the afternoon.  So bike riding was moved to the morning.  I had…
Jesus is the great King of all Kings

Jesus is the great King of all Kings

Who is Jesus? Jesus is the ultimate King of Kings who will one day rule in perfect Righteousness!   -  Revelation 19:11-16 -  Revelation 15:3-4 -  Daniel 7:27 -  Psalm 45:6-7 -  Hebrews 1:8-9 -  Acts 10:42-43 -  2…
Hidden Away

Hidden Away

I never cease to be amazed whenever I’m weeding in the yard to come across tiny little snails in the dirt … …  each one has individually specific camouflage which is uniquely designed.  It’s amazing!  God cares about…