Here you can see a photo of hubby’s steel-toed shoes as he is about to load a round up onto the log-splitter. Because the rounds are so huge, the initial “crack!” on the splitter propels the two separate…
It was on this day in history, several years ago, that we were driving across the country to drop my son off at college for the very first time. Lots of emotions for a mama! My “little bird”…
Relationships need to be handled with care. People are like handmade pottery. Each plate and bowl in our background photo was handmade individually by a potter. In the same way, each person has been handmade individually by God. …
I have been needing to defrost the freezer. What better time to do it than this week when it has been 90 degrees all week (with no AC). Sometimes, relationships need a “defrost” as well. Life is busy. …
Our ceiling fan has recently given out. Normally, hubby would just replace it. But … as you can see from the photo, this ceiling fan is located in a particularly precarious spot … high above the stairs, where…
As I mentioned yesterday, hubby and I have been going outside each evening to work on splitting logs. And because the mosquitoes are so bad, I have been donning my own unique type of insect- repellent: my lightweight…
Each evening after dinner hubby and I have been going outside to split logs … just about the time all the mosquitoes are out and about searching for their evening dinner. We have insect repellent … two different…
I have always been fascinated by Fire Lookout Towers. I’ve always thought it would be really cool to actually go see a Fire Lookout Tower. Yesterday, my daughter and I hiked to Heybrook Lookout. It was beyond exciting! …
Our lily in the front flower bed is just about to bloom! I've been excitedly watching it in anticipation for weeks now! It has reminded me often of the stargazer lily which bloomed so beautifully at the house…
I am intrigued by 1 Chronicles 12:32. The entire passage of 1 Chronicles chapter 12 is an account of all the warriors who joined David’s army while he was on the run from King Saul. Tucked away in…