Psalm 148:7-13 (Birds praise God)

Psalm 148:7-13 (Birds praise God)

"Praise the LORD from the earth ... wild animals ... and flying birds ... Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens." -…
Shadows of things to come

Shadows of things to come

A lovely little display of daisies sat on my kitchen counter.  One morning, as I was walking through the kitchen, I was struck by the shadows the daisies were casting on the counter.  Immediately Hebrews 10:1 came to…
Choosing to Praise

Choosing to Praise

When I first came across some little blooms like these, I was about to admire them … but then I realized they were on sticker bushes and I therefore deemed them unworthy of being awed over.  But afterwards,…
Teeny tiny things!

Teeny tiny things!

God cares about the teeny tiny things!  What you might not have noticed at first glance is that there is a tiny little white/translucent spider on the top flower, just underneath the yellow part.  The spider blends into…
Footprints across the soul

Footprints across the soul

I have in my kitchen cupboard a small collection of these clear plastic “Bambu” cups.  They are “footprints across my soul” … precious memories of my dear friend … and the good times we would have hanging out…
Praise … from a hidden place

Praise … from a hidden place

Each March the quiet of winter is broken, as the nightly song of frog-chorus brings the forest back to life.  Spring is on its way!  Announced by praise … from a hidden place.  The thing about the songs…
Absentminded Grating

Absentminded Grating

This past January I was grating a potato for a dinner recipe when I accidentally grated my fingernail, barely missing my finger.  It has been five full months now and the fingernail still has not completely grown back…
Jesus will reign forever and ever

Jesus will reign forever and ever

Jesus will reign forever and ever - Daniel 7:13-14 – “There before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. He was given authority, glory and…