Seeds on the breeze!

Seeds on the breeze!

This month our Compassion daughter graduated from the Compassion program.  Last Friday I wrote our last letter to her.  I knew she would be graduating soon … and I was totally expecting this day to come.  But I…
Marriage is a garden

Marriage is a garden

This past weekend hubby and I pulled up the last few remaining bean plants and tomato plants.  It’s November and time to prepare the garden for winter.  Marriage is like a garden.  Our garden plot (which you can…
“Poverty Rock”

“Poverty Rock”

This past Sunday hubby and I were given last-minute tickets to the Seahawks game!  Whoo-Hoo!!   On our way down to the stadium, we drove I-90 across Mercer Island and into downtown.  Mercer Island is known for being where…
What to do with the hard times??

What to do with the hard times??

Marriage is like “building-out” a flowerbed of life together.  The original lay of the land, and the plants which had previously filled up the “flowerbed” of singleness are “dug up” and “rearranged” … and together, a new “flowerbed…
Flowerbed “build-out”

Flowerbed “build-out”

Today’s background photo was from this day in history two years ago.  As you can see, at the time hubby and I were in the middle of “building-out” a new flowerbed.  When it comes to marriage, each person…
Building a life … it takes a team.

Building a life … it takes a team.

Building a life is hard.  This morning I felt overwhelmingly exhausted as I watched hubby’s headlights back out in the cold darkness, and as he drove away to face another grueling day of work.  It’s the exact same…