Reading Between the Lines

Reading Between the Lines

To effectively show love in both small ways and in big ways, we must truly know the person with whom we are in relationship.  I mentioned in yesterday’s post that one of my daughter’s 40 gifts to me…
Show Love in Big Ways

Show Love in Big Ways

When we think of showing love in big ways our first automatic response is that this requires lots of money.  To show love in a big way means to spend a large amount of money on someone else. …
Show Love in Little Ways

Show Love in Little Ways

It was a cold dreary morning, this past February, as I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen to fix breakfast.  And there … sitting on the counter next to my special mug, was a…
Confidence in an untrustworthy sprinkler

Confidence in an untrustworthy sprinkler

It has been over 90 degrees every day this week!   The plants in the front flowerbed need water.  So, early this morning I set up the sprinkler … a revolving, rotating sprinkler.  After much adjusting of the water…
Steel-toed Shoes

Steel-toed Shoes

Here you can see a photo of hubby’s steel-toed shoes as he is about to load a round up onto the log-splitter.  Because the rounds are so huge, the initial “crack!” on the splitter propels the two separate…
Erupting Emotions!

Erupting Emotions!

It was on this day in history, several years ago, that we were driving across the country to drop my son off at college for the very first time.  Lots of emotions for a mama!  My “little bird”…
Handle with Care

Handle with Care

Relationships need to be handled with care.  People are like handmade pottery.  Each plate and bowl in our background photo was handmade individually by a potter.  In the same way, each person has been handmade individually by God. …
Relationship Defrost

Relationship Defrost

I have been needing to defrost the freezer.  What better time to do it than this week when it has been 90 degrees all week (with no AC).  Sometimes, relationships need a “defrost” as well.  Life is busy. …
Ceiling Fan Give-out

Ceiling Fan Give-out

Our ceiling fan has recently given out.  Normally, hubby would just replace it.  But … as you can see from the photo, this ceiling fan is located in a particularly precarious spot … high above the stairs, where…