Keys to Relationship – Be caring

Keys to Relationship – Be caring

Being in relationship with someone means traveling the path of life alongside with them.  Life’s path is not easy.  Life’s path is oftentimes difficult!  There are long hard uphill climbs!  The path is often uneven and rocky!  The…
Three-times-tried Trail

Three-times-tried Trail

There is a hiking trail up near Mt. Baker which we have attempted three times.  It all began in early Spring 2005.  We were out for a Saturday adventure and, stopping by the North Cascade Park Headquarters, we…
Warmth without weight

Warmth without weight

This past Saturday hubby and I went hiking.  We arrived at the trailhead parking lot at 7:45am, high in the Mt. Baker Wilderness … and it was chilly!  I was so thankful I had brought along my lightweight…
Scorched First-fruits

Scorched First-fruits

Hubby and I went out early to try to get our outdoor work done before the sun got high and hot.  Hubby was busy toting wheelbarrow-fuls of split firewood over to the shed where he was stacking them. …
Time in the Garden

Time in the Garden

A relationship is like a garden.  Here you can see a photo of my garden.  Sad … isn’t it.  If you look closely, you can just barely find the pitiful little zucchini and pumpkin plants amongst the weeds. …