Snow is heavy! Really heavy! So too … life is heavy! Especially during this Christmas Season of Advent. This year, the advent of December brought with it the advent of snow! Lots of snow! I was amazed at…
One of the great joys of Christmas is … Christmas ships! This past weekend hubby and I crossed the dark waters of Lake Washington, heading into downtown Seattle for a Christmas concert. There … glimmering on the water…
It’s December! … the season of Holiday parties! Last week was hubby’s work Holiday party. Leading up to this festive event, all the employees in hubby’s department were divided into different teams … and the teams were given…
A few years back, hubby & I had just moved into our home in the forest. Our son was living in the Midwest at the time, and he was going to be flying home two days before Christmas.…
Hubby & I enjoy livestream watching the worship service of Prestonwood Baptist Church each Sunday morning, in addition to attending our own home church here in town.( Last Sunday, as the livestream began, the worship leader enthusiastically asked…
The roads in our neighborhood have been a mess! The advent of December brought with it the advent of snow! A lot of snow. Yesterday’s blog post considered how Jesus came to make a way for us ……
Last week, the advent of December brought with it the advent of snow! A lot of snow. Our driveway was buried in deep snow. The roads of our neighborhood were buried in deep snow. But last week also…
Last week, with all the upheaval caused by the snow, the “wood-box” of my soul was beginning to run empty. I could feel my patience wearing thin. I could feel frustration rising. I was worried I might accidentally…
I want to circle back around to the topic of bearing one another’s burdens. A few years ago, a friend of mine went through a devastating tragedy. Her burden was very heavy! I wanted to reach out to…
Yesterday’s blog post was about empty wood-boxes … and how everyone’s soul is so empty right now! As I stated yesterday, the fire in our woodburning fireplace heater is a lot like each person’s soul. And the firewood…