Advent lessons … Low clearance

Advent lessons … Low clearance

Last week, the advent of December brought with it the advent of snow!  A lot of snow.  Our driveway was buried in deep snow.  The roads of our neighborhood were buried in deep snow.  But last week also…
Empty wood-boxes

Empty wood-boxes

Yesterday’s blog post was about empty wood-boxes … and how everyone’s soul is so empty right now!  As I stated yesterday, the fire in our woodburning fireplace heater is a lot like each person’s soul.  And the firewood…
Advent … and power

Advent … and power

It’s December! … the Holiday season … the season of Christmas and Advent!  This week our thoughts have been filled with anxious, nervous anticipation regarding the advent of snow.  “Why such anxious nervousness?” you might ask.   Because the…
As the waters cover the sea

As the waters cover the sea

Our visit to the coast for Thanksgiving happened to coincide with a King Tide.  According to the sign posted at the beach: "King Tide is a non-scientific term used to describe the highest of the high tides.  These…
A grounded kite

A grounded kite

In today’s background photo you can see hubby and me, as I am trying in vain to get a kite into the air.  It was Thanksgiving week, so the thought of “relationships” was on my mind.    Probably most…
A line in the sand

A line in the sand

Proverbs 8:28-29 – “He established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep; He gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep His command.”   Being at the coast recently, this verse continually…