Solar panel collectors

Solar panel collectors

I was gazing out at the Big Leaf Maple this morning  …  in awe of how the morning sun was highlighting the leaves with a striking brilliance!    And a devotional I had read popped into my mind.   From:…
True Lasting Friendship

True Lasting Friendship

The Italian Flat Parsley has decided it wants to be friends with my Hoopes rose!    This past winter I transplanted my Hoopes rose to a nice big pot.   I didn’t have quite enough dirt in the process, so…
Words of Wisdom – Memorial Day

Words of Wisdom – Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day, here are a few Words of Wisdom from my journal.From the US Naval Academy:"Now, more than ever before you will be challenged - morally, mentally, physically. It will not be easy. But let's…
Surprise Blessings … at the end of May!

Surprise Blessings … at the end of May!

"Surprise blessings" don't always have to be in the dirt. Sometimes God gives us a "surprise blessing" when we're shopping! Haha! Here you can see the "surprise blessing" God gave me last weekend! I was actually shopping for…
Cottonwood “puff” fluff

Cottonwood “puff” fluff

The Cottonwood trees are starting to “puff” everywhere.    I have been wondering for the past few weeks when they would start sending out their “puffs” of white fluff all over the place.  Yesterday afternoon, I noticed the very…
Words of Wisdom from my pastor

Words of Wisdom from my pastor

"Prayer is a lightning rod for your anxiety - it grounds it out. All that energy is grounded out to the Lord.""Prayer helps us to verbally process with the Lord.""Prayer transfers the burden of anxiety from you to…