I have never grown snow peas before. It has been fascinating to watch the snow peas send out little “tether lines” ... looking for something strong and sturdy to hang on to. You can see these “tether lines”…
I was gazing out at the Big Leaf Maple this morning … in awe of how the morning sun was highlighting the leaves with a striking brilliance! And a devotional I had read popped into my mind. From:…
The Italian Flat Parsley has decided it wants to be friends with my Hoopes rose! This past winter I transplanted my Hoopes rose to a nice big pot. I didn’t have quite enough dirt in the process, so…
In honor of Memorial Day, here are a few Words of Wisdom from my journal.From the US Naval Academy:"Now, more than ever before you will be challenged - morally, mentally, physically. It will not be easy. But let's…
"Surprise blessings" don't always have to be in the dirt. Sometimes God gives us a "surprise blessing" when we're shopping! Haha! Here you can see the "surprise blessing" God gave me last weekend! I was actually shopping for…
My backyard is nothing but little white puffs of cottonwood fluff … all floating sideways across my backyard … like a fluff-puff “river” in the air. It’s impossible to capture it with my camera. With my eye I…
The Cottonwood trees are starting to “puff” everywhere. I have been wondering for the past few weeks when they would start sending out their “puffs” of white fluff all over the place. Yesterday afternoon, I noticed the very…
"Prayer is a lightning rod for your anxiety - it grounds it out. All that energy is grounded out to the Lord.""Prayer helps us to verbally process with the Lord.""Prayer transfers the burden of anxiety from you to…