Words of Wisdom from my journal: “I do not have to feel bad about the gifts that God did not give me, if I’m fully maximizing the ones that He did.” - Pastor Steven I mentioned in yesterday’s…
The weekend of July 4th I participated in my first ever 5-K! I struggle with chronic fatigue, and am always tired and wiped out! But my daughter was excited about doing a 5-K and she invited hubby and…
My neighborhood is a rather quiet neighborhood. Because of this, cars aren’t exactly careful when going around curves and corners. It is naturally assumed that no one will be coming the other way, so the cars feel free…
I shared a few blog posts ago how I have never much cared for peas. However, I did discover recently that snow peas aren’t that bad. In fact, they don’t taste like regular peas at all … because…
Yesterday’s blog post was about how parenting is similar to being a “soaker hose” … as we faithfully and continually “pour out” for our kids … so that they, in turn, can be a “soaker hose” to “pour…
Hubby and I recently set up a soaker hose in the garden. We have it on a timer, and every morning the soaker hose comes on and does its thing. As a result, the garden is healthy and…
I sat next to hubby in church this past Sunday. About halfway through the service a good friend of ours got up and left the sanctuary. He is on the Security Team and was obviously called out. The…
I sat next to hubby at church this past Sunday, waiting for the morning service to begin. People were mingling and chatting, many others were wandering in and taking their seats. My attention was caught by a loving…
Today’s blog post (and accompanying photos) are from my son. Often when I work from home I try to take a short walk during lunchtime to stretch my legs. The nearby bike trail is the perfect place for…
I love this view of the garden from my daughter’s upstairs bedroom window. As I stand and gaze out at the garden far below, it makes me think that this is probably what it’s like from Heaven’s view, …