Today's Words of Wisdom are from my journal. Over the years, whenever I hear a piece of profound wisdom, I jot it down in my journal. Most often, I don't think to jot down who said it. Such…
Today's Words of Wisdom are from my pastor, Pastor Mark: "Enjoying our life has a lot more to do with the attitude in us that the circumstances going on around us."
A bat recently got into our firebox. How, I don’t know. I thought it was a closed contained firebox, with little holes in metal tubes to let the smoke out and up the chimney. But somehow the bat…
Psalm 23:1 - "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want."Sometimes it doesn't feel like "I shall not want. Especially when God says "No" to the things I really really want.My good shepherd has a purpose and…
This past Sunday's sermon was from Psalm 23: "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want."I have since been pondering how that sometimes it doesn't feel like "I shall not want." Sometimes there are things that I…
This past Sunday's sermon was from Psalm 23 - "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want." I have been pondering how sometimes it doesn't feel like "I shall not want." Sometimes there are things that I…
Our pastor has been preaching through Psalm 23. This past Sunday his sermon was: The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want." As I listened, I pondered how sometimes it doesn't feel like "I shall not want."…
Recently hubby and I were watching an exciting spy movie! The good guys had put a tracker beacon on the bad guys and were trailing them on foot through the streets of a busy city. Meanwhile, somewhere in…
Much to my great surprise, the sunflowers are blooming! At the end of July! How cool is that! (usually the sunflowers don’t bloom until September) I have always thought that each sunflower has just one single flower, which…
At the end of June, hubby and I hiked to Lake Twenty-Two with our two kids. After climbing straight uphill for a couple of hours, we finally reach the lake and were grateful to rest along its shores. …