Why the sword?

Why the sword?

This week in the Daily Audio Bible reading, God gave me a “surprise blessing” of something I had never seen before.   (I love it when that happens!)   When it comes to the account of Jesus’s betrayal and arrest…
Surprise Blessings – 4.0

Surprise Blessings – 4.0

I walked out of my front door last night, and started to head over to the workshop  …  when there, sitting silent and still on the gravel drive, was a bunny!    Isn’t it’s camouflage amazing!    It totally blends…
The end  …

The end …

“Then Jesus gave them this illustration:  ‘Notice the fig tree or any other tree.  When the leaves come out, you know without being told that summer is near.  In the same way, when you see all these things…
Surprise Blessings – 3.0

Surprise Blessings – 3.0

Ta-Da!!   The trillium bloom has opened up!  Isn’t it beautiful!  To be honest, this really wasn’t an “Easter-egg” surprise blessing … I’ve been watching the bloom for a couple of days, waiting to see if the deer would…
God goes before me.

God goes before me.

You know how, as you are reading the Bible, something suddenly jumps off the page that you never saw before!   That happened to me last week.   In Joshua 4, where the people of Israel crossed the Jordan River…
A prowling cougar

A prowling cougar

The cougar came by on Sunday.    I have never seen the cougar in person, but the Ring camera picked it up … as you can see in the background photo.  My immediate thought was:  Satan is a prowling…
Pain … and Healing

Pain … and Healing

Life is messy.    When we pour ourselves out to love and care for other people, it will be messy.  And in the process, we will inevitably experience some pain … and some hurt.   That's part of being in…