God’s Covering and Care

God’s Covering and Care

The past few blog posts have been pondering God’s protection and care  …  not only for His creatures, but also for those who love and follow Him.  God has provided camouflage protection for the little slugs.   But their…
God’s Protection and Care

God’s Protection and Care

I was walking loops around my front drive for exercise, when I noticed each time I passed a certain spot, a little finch was flying from tree to tree … obviously very agitated and chirping at me!    “That…
What’s the point of life?

What’s the point of life?

The trillium has reached the end of its “life cycle.”   As you can see in the photo, its petals have turned a beautiful pink/purple.   Have you ever wondered, “What’s the point of life anyway??”   We might look at…


I went outside this morning to get some exercise walking loops around my front drive.  On my first loop around I noticed a little slug on the gravel drive.   You can see it below, in the photo on…
God will destroy the wicked.

God will destroy the wicked.

The plant featured in today’s photo is the sticker bush which I have been pulling up for the past two months.    All throughout March and April I have been pulling up and pulling up these sticker bushes by…
“Surprise Blessing”  Update

“Surprise Blessing” Update

Yesterday, I mentioned discovering the Mushroom Breakfast Buffet as I went out to spread bark chips in the front flowerbed.  I thought you might enjoy an update on the different “Surprise Blessings” from the past couple of weeks. …
Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!

Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!

I went out yesterday morning to spread bark chips and noticed that the slugs were having a fabulous Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!    It seems word must have gotten around about the fantastic feasting opportunity available, for they were all…