I was sitting here on my front porch typing up devotionals for my precious little friends up in Alaska. When out of the corner of my eye I saw cat paws. (didn't hear a sound ... just delicate…
The sunflowers are done. Their brief lifespan is over. Hubby and I will now till them back into the soil of the garden where they will dissolve away. This is what our life is like. Our life is…
I wanted to give you an update on the “Shaggy ink cap” mushrooms my son discovered in his yard last week. This photo was taken on Wednesday. This photo was taken 2 days later … on Friday. And…
Today’s blog post is in honor of my daughter. My daughter went out to coffee with some friends this past Friday. Afterwards, she saved her cup and brought it over to give to me … because she knew…
With so much bad going on in the world right now, we all could really use a little bit of good. So for today’s post I would like to share several special blessings from God, from the past…
So, the solar eclipse was yesterday morning. Hubby had mentioned it earlier in the week, but I had totally forgotten about it. Shortly after 9am my son sent this photo. The solar eclipse was just beginning! Right away…
The disciples asked Jesus: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Perhaps you too have wondered this same question: “How do I pray??” Today’s blog post is a peek into my own prayer life. My daughter is boarding a plane…
Today’s blog post is from my son. Yesterday morning he sent me this photo, along with his insightful words of wisdom: “Sometimes the empty parts of life can still be beautiful.” Well said! As an aside: This morning…
Whenever I pass by the kitchen sink and glance out my kitchen window … out in the forest a little chipmunk is busy at work! Scampering here! Scampering there! Up the stump! Down the stump! Back up the…
My son just now sent me this photo … These mushrooms he just discovered growing in his yard this morning! There is something exciting about discovering a mushroom growing in your yard! Especially when you’ve never seen…