The things in life we cherish the most

The things in life we cherish the most

"The things in life we cherish the most are those we work the hardest for."- author unknown(By contrast, those who are given a free ride through life are largely unaware of the blessings which they enjoy, and resultingly…
How to succeed

How to succeed

"The degree of one's perseverance is the best predictor of one's success."- author unknownIf you want to be successful, hang in there and don't give up.
God is amazing!

God is amazing!

"You alone are the LORD.You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything,…
Bloom blessings … on really tall stems!

Bloom blessings … on really tall stems!

For years I have hoped to grow astilbe in our flower beds.    TaDa!    We now have astilbe! At first glance, these pink fluffy flowers on tall stems don’t look like much.    And that’s true.    This is their first…
Bloom blessings … high in the air!

Bloom blessings … high in the air!

Check it out!    A red sunflower!    How cool is that!!   I didn’t know sunflowers bloomed red!   Ok, to be honest I picked the seed packet out at Home Depot.    And I planted the seeds.    But I’m still in…
A bat in the firebox

A bat in the firebox

A bat recently got into our firebox.   How, I don’t know.    I thought it was a closed contained firebox, with little holes in metal tubes to let the smoke out and up the chimney.    But somehow the bat…