A hole in your heart

A hole in your heart

I have been thinking a lot about our dear friends up in Alaska recently!    The due date for their little baby was last week.    I have been in much prayer for her delivery!    And I have been thinking…
Called by name!

Called by name!

Our dear friends in Alaska had their baby this week!    My friend sent me a photo last night.    I am so excited for them!    A brand-new little life is an amazing miracle!   As I gazed at the photo…
I have no clue what I’m doing!

I have no clue what I’m doing!

Hubby and I have been watching a fascinating PBS Masterpiece series entitled:  Victoria.    I have been greatly enjoying this series.    It is about the life of Queen Victoria, one of England’s greatest monarchs.   Something I have found fascinating…
“I love you” post-it notes from God!

“I love you” post-it notes from God!

I was walking loops for exercise around my front drive when my attention was caught by this heart-shaped Cascara leaf.    “It’s an ‘I love you’ post-it note from God” was my immediate blink reaction!   I knew that my…
November joys … Christmas trees!

November joys … Christmas trees!

Hubby and I have been in search of lodgepole pine trees.    But most garden nurseries in our area do not carry local/native plants.    Crazy, isn’t it!    However, last weekend we discovered the quaintest little garden nursey about 30…
The mess is beautiful!

The mess is beautiful!

Today’s background photo is from a few weeks ago, when the leaves were still falling.    I had just been out on the back deck the day before, sweeping all the leaves off  …  and the next time I…
November joys … Blooms out of brokenness!

November joys … Blooms out of brokenness!

My clerodendrum is blooming!!   I’ve had it two full years, and not once has it ever bloomed.  And now  …  right after I just about lost it completely  …  it’s blooming!    How is that possible?!?  The clerodendrum cutting…