What does love look like?

What does love look like?

It had been freeze-raining all morning.   And the weather forecast was calling for snow in the afternoon.  Sure enough, around 11am the freeze-rain turned to snow.    There were a couple of really important medical appointments that afternoon.    But…
Droopy … but still singing!

Droopy … but still singing!

The entrance into the new year of 2024 brought with it sickness which took hold of my home with vengeance!    2024 has been a dumpster-fire of a year so far!    Not just for us, but for everyone whom…
Lessons from the ER – Love is sacrifice.

Lessons from the ER – Love is sacrifice.

What is love?   Is love a festive heart-shaped pillow?   Is love a sparkly box of delicious chocolates?  Is love a sentimental greeting card?   What does love look like?   Love is taking the only free day that you have…
Hidden, inner “song”

Hidden, inner “song”

As I have been “connecting” to my different plants, in order to listen to their hidden, inner “song”, it has occurred to me how strikingly similar it is to the way we each “connect” to each other in…
Pondering penguins … and the purpose of life.

Pondering penguins … and the purpose of life.

Over Christmas break, hubby and I watched a fascinating documentary about the first Triathlete ever to complete an Iron Man challenge in Antarctica!    The title of the documentary is:  Project Iceman (you can watch it here if you would…
Ringing in the New Year!

Ringing in the New Year!

For Christmas my son gave me the coolest gift  …  a small device called a PlantWave, by which I can listen to my plants “sing.”   I’m not scientific, but as best as I understand it, all plants have…
Time to purge

Time to purge

I just noticed this container of heavy whipping cream in my fridge  …  leftover from when I made Cranberry Salad back at Thanksgiving.    I purchased this container of whipping cream in mid-November  …  therefore, the small leftover amount…