Joy …  because of Jesus!

Joy … because of Jesus!

"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth! "Worship the LORD with gladness; "Come before him with joyful songs. "Know that the LORD is God. "It is He who made us, and we are His; we are…


Today’s blog post is in honor of our very dear precious friends down in Portland  –  K&P.   If there is anyone who embodies “joy” it is this couple!   For the past two years this couple has been walking…
End-of-Summer Joys! – 2.0

End-of-Summer Joys! – 2.0

A flower bouquet! ... from a Farmer's Market! ... for my precious daughter! Thank you God, for End-of-Summer joys!Beaver Lake! What a delightful surprise discovery, on a Saturday morning exploration. Thank you God, for End-of-Summer joys!A totem pole!…
Wheat on a sheet

Wheat on a sheet

Everything about harvesting, threshing, and winnowing wheat has challenged my perspective when it comes to cleanliness and food preparation.You can't wash wheat. I knew this logically. But practically it has been challenging to let go of my firmly…
End-of-Summer Joys!

End-of-Summer Joys!

Breakfast buddy! I was delighted when this little Douglas Squirrel decided to join me for breakfast! What a great start to the day!I'm amazed how its little feet stick to the tree like velcro!Thank you God, for End-of-Summer…


I went out yesterday evening to harvest the beans. And lo and behold, the tomatoes were ripe. So, I harvested them too. As I stood in the middle of the garden, surrounded by beans on one side and…


I had the best time watching the bees on the sunflowers yesterday morning!There were lots of bees! And they were all busy!! The saying popped into my head: "Busy as a bee." I had never really thought much…
Fallen over sideways!

Fallen over sideways!

Believe it or not, this is one sunflower plant! One single sunflower stalk can produce many different sunflowers. I didn't realize this fact until last year. This particular sunflower stalk was growing tall and straight and reaching high…
Caught unaware!

Caught unaware!

So, I was puttering about the house yesterday (doing laundry, and running the vacuum) in my pajamas, with a white mineral mud mask smeared all over my face.   The thought popped into my head:   “Wouldn’t it be embarrassing…