A Work of Beauty

A Work of Beauty

I was young, those many years ago; young, but full of dreams; with the longing that God would use me to do amazing things.A pile of parts He gave me.  It was a jumbled mess.  I was to…
Support Team

Support Team

My kids are in life’s “ultra-marathon” long endurance race. They need for me to be there to help them keep the pace. They need for me to be there when they’re no longer with the pack, when they’re…
The Future??

The Future??

Do you feel like you’re supposed to have life all figured out?Do you have so many questions?Are you filled with fear and doubt?“Did I pick the right major?”“How do I start my career?”“I don’t have things figured out…
College is a journey … via paddleboard

College is a journey … via paddleboard

Paddle-boarding through life, you love the feeling of ultimate freedom! … ahhh, to go wherever you want!  But in the joy of the freedom, and in your excitement of playing tag with the harbor seals, you’ve wound up…
College is a journey … via recycle truck

College is a journey … via recycle truck

Along your college journey, and along life’s journey you will wind up making some mistakes.  You will wind up with a few regrets.  You will have your fair share of failures.  That’s normal … that’s life.  The question…
College is a journey … via tow truck

College is a journey … via tow truck

Everyone needs a friend!  Because at some point along your college journey, and along life’s journey the lights on your dashboard will go crazy then dim, your engine will shutter and die, and you will wind up coasting…
College is a journey … via dump truck

College is a journey … via dump truck

There are an awful lot of dump trucks out on the roads today!  It seems like everywhere you turn someone is dumping something somewhere.  You scroll through social media … oh look, someone just backed up and “dumped”…
College is a journey … via motorcycle

College is a journey … via motorcycle

A motorcycle is not designed to carry a massive amount of baggage.  However, you will discover as you travel along your college journey, and along life’s journey that “baggage” will wind up accumulating along the way  …  this…
College is a journey … via golf cart

College is a journey … via golf cart

For my son’s Senior Engineering Design Project he and his friends are designing an autonomous self-driving golf cart.  They acquired a golf cart that had served its purpose well in its day, and they have taken it apart…
College is a journey … via aircraft carrier

College is a journey … via aircraft carrier

Life is not a luxury cruise in the sunny Bahamas.  Life is a military deployment into spiritual warfare.  And in life’s journey you are a soldier deployed in battle aboard an aircraft carrier.   You sail in dangerous waters. …