College is a journey … via bus

College is a journey … via bus

Living in a dorm is sort of like traveling along your college journey on a bus together.  Everyone is crammed onto the same bus together.  Everyone is traveling to the same general destination.  Everyone is experiencing the same…
College is a journey … via rocket

College is a journey … via rocket

Starting out on your college journey feels a lot like blasting off in a rocket!  Excitement!  Nerves on edge!  Heart standing still!  T-minus and counting!  Unleashed energy! Billowing smoke!  Upward momentum!  Supports torn away!  Lift off!!  Higher and…
College is a journey … via hang glider

College is a journey … via hang glider

You are standing at the beginning of a new college experience … as if standing high on the side of a mountain.  The semester stretches far away in front of you … as if a valley stretching far…
College is a Journey

College is a Journey

College is a journey.  The destination is a diploma … and ultimately life beyond.  As with any journey, excitement is high when starting out.  Whoo Hoo!  Adventure is out there!  The journey will lead to some spectacular high…
A Big Stink!

A Big Stink!

We came across several blooming skunk-cabbage on Saturday. I was pretty excited ... I think skunk-cabbage is a cool-looking plant. It gets it's name from the fact that when it's leaves are crushed or bruised it emits a…
Rocks Cry Out!

Rocks Cry Out!

Our Puget Sound beaches are nothing but rocks, rocks, and more rocks.  Whenever I go outside to do yard work I encounter rocks, rocks, and more rocks.  This photo (with the Scripture passage) was taken high up on…
The Temple

The Temple

The warm sun beamed down on Jerusalem that day. Every road was clogged and packed with travelers on their way. A tangible holiday feeling was alive in the air.The excitement was contagious as people bustled here and there.This…
Death … Conquered!!

Death … Conquered!!

Do you ever feel you're drowning ... and cannot get a breath ... beaten down by constant waves of things that all cause death. Death caused by lack of competence; death caused by bitter feuds; death caused by…


Out of nothing at all – from a dark empty void – God created the Earth, full of colors and noise.He made rainbows of dew drops to sparkle and shine;cascading waterfalls that thunder in time.He made verdant green…
He Chose

He Chose

Enthroned in glory!  Wrapped in light!  With angels praising Him day and night! Holding the world in the palm of His hand.  He came down to walk paths of dust and sand. He veiled His glory.  He chose…