Curious …

Curious …

My daughter and I were sitting perched on this giant fallen tree, over top of the rushing waters, downstream of Deception Falls. A little squirrel was curious about us. "Who, exactly, are we?? And what, exactly, are we…
Cake!  …  Sandwiches!  …  and God-miracles!

Cake! … Sandwiches! … and God-miracles!

The finger sandwiches for the wedding reception were going to be showing up the day before the wedding.  I had cleared out space in the fridge for them.   There should be plenty of room.  No problem.   Then the…
Held by Jesus!

Held by Jesus!

“I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven.  And the voice … said, “Come up here …”   - Revelation 4:1   Yesterday evening, at 6:30pm, the doors of heaven opened  …  and someone very…
The Groom!

The Groom!

Yesterday’s blog post considered how marriage is a picture of Jesus and his Bride (everyone who believes in Jesus and loves & follows Him).   In marriage, God the Father is the one who gives the Bride to the…
A fence … for protection

A fence … for protection

Our bean seeds, zucchini seeds, and pumpkin seeds did not like the cold rainy May … at all!   But the raspberries loved it!   The raspberries have been growing like gangbusters!   Here you can see our raspberries.   They are…