Fruit of Spirit Self-Control #2

Fruit of Spirit Self-Control #2

The Fruit of the Spirit is SELF-CONTROL. Our guiding passage for our look at SELF-CONTROL is James 3:5-6:  “The tongue is a small part of the body … Consider what a great forest is set on fire by…
Fruit of Spirit Self-Control #1

Fruit of Spirit Self-Control #1

The Fruit of the Spirit is SELF-CONTROL. Over the past 8 weeks we have been taking a look at the Fruit of the Spirit.  Throughout the course of our study, our background images have contrasted light vs darkness. …
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #7

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #7

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. It is interesting to note the most striking sunrises always involve clouds.  Of course sunrises with clear skies are beautiful.  But not in the astonishing, captivating way of sunrises with clouds.…
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #6

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #6

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. We have been pondering the crushing we each experience in our daily workplace interactions.  It is hard to be crushed each day at work.  Jesus knows what it feels like to…
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #5

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #5

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. Today’s background photo shows yet another early-morning work commute across Lake Washington,  as day is gently dawning.   But this sunrise is blocked by a low heavy blanket of cloud cover!  Dark…
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #4

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #4

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. Today’s background photo shows a new day dawning over downtown Seattle as yet another workday is about to begin.  Perhaps you might notice the snowflake decorations on the buildings in the…
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #3

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #3

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. Our background photo for today shows a new day dawning, during an early-morning work commute across Lake Washington.  Have you ever considered the fact that day comes GENTLY?   God doesn’t instantaneously…
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #2

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #2

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. Our background photo today puts us on I-5 during the early morning commute into downtown Seattle.  A particular stretch of I-5, just south of the Shoreline exists, brings commuters around a…
Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #1

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #1

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS. Each new day of work nowadays almost feels unbearable!  For some of us, we know heading into our workday the meetings and interactions we will be having in which we will…
Fruit of Spirit Faithfulness #7

Fruit of Spirit Faithfulness #7

The Fruit of the Spirit is FAITHFULNESS. Our week on FAITHFULNESS began by looking at the FAITHFULNESS of God. *   “In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; He is more awesome than all who…