Throughout the Bible, the people of God are often referred to as “sheep.” - Isaiah 53:6 – “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way.” - Matthew 9:36 – “When…
The shadows gather. Day comes to an end. Candles are lit. Passover begins. The first cup is passed. The blessing is said. “I will bring you out” – from Exodus is read. The sacrifice of a pure, spotless…
Our background photo today follows the same theme as yesterday. Once again, our gateway leads to a National Park. And as is obvious, everyone cannot freely enter into the Park. A fee must be paid to enter. Neither…
I jabbed my hand with a nail this morning as I was out in the new garden plot clearing away weeds and rocks. It is a very strange thing to have your palm punctured with a nail ...…
Our gateway today is the entrance to Glacier National Park. As is obvious, everyone cannot freely enter into the Park. A fee must be paid to enter. Imagine for a moment that someone graciously paid the fee for…
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does the Christian life look like?? The people of the city of Colossae (in the area of southwest modern-day Turkey) had heard the Good News about Jesus Christ! They…
The warm sun beamed down on Jerusalem that day. Every road was clogged and jammed with travelers on their way. A tangible holiday feeling was alive in the air. The excitement was contagious as people bustled here and…
Today’s gateway is the boarding gate at an airport. We are boarding the plane of Salvation, through the boarding gate of Jesus Christ. We’re headed for the Kingdom of Heaven! As we settle into our seat, we notice…
Our gateway today leads to the United States Mint. Abundant riches can be found beyond this gate. So also, when we open the book of Ephesians, we see that God’s abundant riches are freely available to us, through…
Our land is ancient Israel. We are the Jewish nation. We’re living in the time of the Roman occupation. We’re looking for Messiah to come and be our King, as we daily live our lives; simple and hard-working.…