Come and See

Come and See

Yesterday we pondered how that when we come to Jesus, the Gateway to Heaven, we will not be instantly swept through a spectacularly grand gate into a paradise of indescribable beauty.  No.  When we come to Jesus, the…
Gateway to Heaven??

Gateway to Heaven??

When we think of a gateway to Heaven, we instantly imagine a spectacularly grand gate … leading to a setting of indescribable beauty beyond. However, you will notice that the gate pictured in today’s background photo is not…
What is the way to paradise?

What is the way to paradise?

Yesterday we considered the question:  How do we get to paradise?? We all long for paradise.  We long for escape from the brokenness of the world we are living in.  We long for escape from the chaos, the…
The greatest love – God loved us!

The greatest love – God loved us!

God is all-knowing.   Therefore, when God first created this beautiful world, He knew from the very beginning that humanity would make the choice to disobey and rebel against Him.  God knew from the very beginning that humanity would…
What is love?

What is love?

What is love?  The Bible tells us that:  God . is . LOVE. The very nature of love begins with God.  The very essence of love is wrapped up in who God is. God loved first. The only…