

It is really “with it” to be organic! 

I just now took a peek in my fridge, and there I discovered “organic mayonnaise” … alongside “organic mustard” … and “organic salad dressing.”  Not to mention the “organic peanut butter.”  I had no idea the items in my fridge were so “with it.” 

Intrigued by my findings, I decided to peruse the pantry.  There I discovered “organic chicken broth.”  Who knew!  And “organic coconut oil” … alongside “organic all-purpose flour” and “organic sugar.”  I had no idea! 

So, in keeping with the grand status of “organic” … I present to you … my “organic apples”! 

The apples were ripe, so hubby picked them this past Sunday.  Hubby and I did nothing to contribute to the growth of these apples.  We didn’t water the trees;  we didn’t fertilize the trees;  we didn’t use any pesticides.  We literally did nothing.  And voila!  Apples!  “Organic” apples, nonetheless! 

When it comes to “organic” produce in the grocery store … “organic” produce is considered to be the best of the best!  “Organic” produce is absolutely perfect!  It is superior in appearance, as well as nutritional value!  And it costs more too! 

As you look at today’s background photo of mine and hubby’s “organic apples” would you pay top price for these “organic apples”?  Probably not. 

Why not? 

Because they are not perfect.  These “organic apples” have spots and flaws.  They are of uneven varying sizes.  They are not uniform in color, nor do they have a perfect shiny gloss. 

Everywhere we turn in life we see images of what “perfect” people look like … in “perfect” relationships.  We scroll through social media, and we see “perfect” vacations, and “perfect” hairstyles, and “perfect” bodies at the gym after “perfect” workouts. 

We search online for a great place to eat out … and we see images of “perfect” plates of food … enjoyed by “perfect” friends having a “perfect” evening hanging out together. 

But life isn’t “perfect” … any more than “organic” fruits and vegetables are perfect. 

I don’t know how grocery stores get their “organic” produce to all look so perfect … but any person who has ever planted vegetable seeds in dirt and watched them grow with nothing but sunshine and water will tell you that organic vegetables are not “perfect.” 

Organic vegetables and fruit, like the apples from our apple tree, grow all different sizes and shapes.  They have spots, and flaws, and cracks.

People are the same way.  There are no “perfect” people … in “perfect” relationships.  There are no “perfect” friendships.  Every person has their own “spots” and flaws. 

It’s important to keep this in mind as we get to know new friends and develop new relationships.  It’s ok … it’s ok that there are no “perfect” people … and no “perfect” relationships.

Be “organic” … who God made you to be. And enjoy getting to know “organic” new friends … who are just the way God made them to be.