One is all you’ll ever eat

One is all you’ll ever eat

On my way back from going to get the mail I noticed this mushroom alongside the road.  My very first thought was:  “I wonder if you can eat it, or is it poisonous?” 

It brought to mind some really beautiful mushrooms from two years ago.  At that time, we had just recently spread bark chips through the forest … and there must have been some sort of bacteria in the bark chips, which resulted in the cool-looking mushrooms. 

As you can see in today’s background photo, these mushrooms from two years ago had a very striking star-shape.  Not only that, but they were ever-so-slightly iridescent and seemed to sparkle in the light. 

Here are two more photos of the cool-looking mushrooms from two years ago.  On the left you can see that these mushrooms sprang up in profusion all throughout the bark chips we had spread.  If you look closely, you will also notice that many are in the shape of a turned-up bowl. 

When the mushrooms first came up, they were bowl-shaped.  As they aged, the bowl-shape flattened out to a plate-shape.  Then eventually the flat plate split apart into the star-shape. 

I was fascinated and intrigued by the mushrooms.  I had never seen anything like them before.  I told my good friend Janie about the mushrooms and shared photos with her.  Her granddaughter knows quite a bit about mushroom foraging. 

When my good friend Janie asked her granddaughter if you can eat these mushrooms, her granddaughter’s response was:  “You can … but one is all you’ll ever eat.”  (meaning … they’ll kill you … because they’re poisonous!) 

That year was the only year I saw this particular type of mushroom.  I have never seen them since. 

In marriage we will come across things which are very much like these intriguing cool-looking mushrooms.  Temptations … in marriage that’s what they are.  They will be different for each one of us.  They will catch our interest and seem to sparkle with an intriguing quality. 

“Can I eat this??”  the question arises in our mind. 

The answer:  “You can … but that will be the end of your marriage!  It will kill your marriage … because it is poison!” 

The cool-looking star-shaped mushrooms only came up that one year.  So also it is with “poisonous” temptations in marriage.  The “poisonous” temptation will spring up when least expected … in a random normal ordinary season of life. 

Watch out for “poisonous” temptations!!!