October Joys!

October Joys!

When you take your wife to Home Depot … you wind up coming out with flowers you hadn’t intended on purchasing. Haha!

Hubby had needed to pick up a couple of packs of fasteners from Home Depot. So, I tagged along for fun. Lo and behold, there were Mums just outside the front entrance!

Needless to say, a pot of Mums accompanied us home. (Haha!)

Thank you God for daily blessings!

Did you know that deer are bilingual? They totally understand Spanish!

Especially when it comes to apples!

The roofers were busy up on the roof making a lot of commotion, when the deer moseyed by … looking for apples. The deer were not in the least bit perturbed by all the noisy racket and commotion going on. They stood at a respectful distance … gawking like any other normal person would.

It didn’t take long for the roofers to realize the deer were hoping for some apples. So, one roofer climbed down the ladder and went over to pick some apples off the tree. Instantly the little doe came right over!!

He was speaking Spanish to her as he tossed apples to her … and she totally understood! (food is the universal language! Ha!)

The second doe was quick to realize excitement was happening … and she came right over too!

For about five minutes the roofers had the best time chatting in Spanish with the deer and tossing apples to them! (I was delighted to be able to share “my pets” with the roofers – Ha!)

Thank you God for daily blessings!

A few hours later a great big buck came by! I have never even seen this buck in person. I saw him this past summer on the Ring camera, when we put the Ring up over near the plum tree.

Whoa! That is one big buck! I would not want to get on his bad side or cross him in any way! He could gore me in an instant with that sharp rack of antlers! He strode with such power and authority! He owned the place with his presence!

I couldn’t help thinking of people who say there are no genders. To those people, I would challenge them to spend some time, face to face on level footing, tossing apples to gentle does. Then to stand face to face on level footing, and gaze into the eyes of this great big powerful buck … with a commanding presence … and a huge rack of sharp antlers! To be sure, there is a big difference when it comes to genders!

I was delighted God sent the great big buck by for the roofers to be able to see!

Thank you God for daily blessings!